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TODAY MATTERS: 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow's Success

This is my book blog on John C. Maxwell's "Today Matters: 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow's Success

I am excited to begin reading this book to guide me on how to get the most out of every day to help me for tomorrow.

Here is a little about the book (Amazon Summary):

"Most of us look at our days in the wrong way: We exaggerate yesterday. We overestimate tomorrow. We underestimate today. The truth is that the most important day you will ever experience is today. Today is the key to your success. Maxwell offers 12 decisions and disciplines-he calls it his daily dozen-that can be learned and mastered by any person to achieve success."

I will be blogging after each chapter that I read to fill you in on the ideas shared. I hope the summaries with excite you to read the book as well.

I thank you for following along, and look forward to reading your posts and comments!

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