9 - Today’ FINANCES Give Me Options
Finance is the next topic that Maxwell covers and there is a quote that was interesting for me to here that is so true. O. Donald Olson...
8 - Today’s COMMITMENT Gives Me Tenacity
This next chapter discusses Commitment. As in every chapter, Maxwell opens with a story, and then moves on to ask a couple of questions...
7 - Today's THINKING Gives Me and Advantage
This next chapter deals with thinking, which is the fifth item on Maxwell’s Daily Dozen. Early in the chapter, Maxwell insights us with a...
6 - Today’s FAMILY Give Me Stability
The next item in Maxwell’s Daily Dozen that this chapter covers is Family. I am thankful because I have an incredible family, and have...
5 - Today’s HEALTH Gives Me Strength
Health is the third of Maxwell’s daily dozen. This is a topic very near and dear to my heart because of some of the health issues I have...
4 - Today’s PRIORITIES Give Me Focus
In this chapter, Maxwell points out the second of his Daily Dozen, priorities. Maxwell says that we must have clear priorities that we...
3 - Today's ATTITUDE Give Me Possibilities
To begin this chapter Maxwell points out the first of his Daily Dozen, Attitude. It is amazing the impact that our attitude can have on...
2 - Today Can Become a Masterpiece
This chapter, like the first chapter is still in the introductory phase of the book. Maxwell asks us to questions to think about as we...
1 - Today often falls to pieces – What’s the missing piece?
I was very excited to begin reading this book, and the first chapter gave me a glimpse of what the information that the rest of the book...