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9 - Today’ FINANCES Give Me Options

Finance is the next topic that Maxwell covers and there is a quote that was interesting for me to here that is so true. O. Donald Olson says, “The average American is busy buying things he doesn’t want with money he doesn’t have to impress people he doesn’t like.” This statement is sad but true. Maxwell continues by stating three facts about money:

  1. Money won’t make you happy.

  2. Debt will make you unhappy.

  3. Having a financial margin will give you options.

Maxwell then moves by adding that whether we have a great paying job or not, we can put ourselves in a good position to make solid financial decisions by doing the following:

  1. Put the value of things in perspective.

  2. Recognize your season of life.

  3. Reduce you debt.

  4. Put your financial formula into place.

Maxwell then mentions a financial quote he lives by, “Every day, I will focus on my financial game plan so that each day I will have more, not fewer, options.” He adds that we must have the right attitude to approach our finances daily. We must:

  1. Become a good earner.

  2. Be grateful every day.

  3. Don’t compare yourself to others.

  4. Give as much as you can.

Maxwell clearly outlines some techniques we must use to become stable financially and ends the chapter with a great quote from John Wesley that reads, “Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can.”

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